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”Love After Cancer: A Journey Through Hope, Empowerment, Affirmation, and Transformation.”

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Love After Cancer

  • Cancer was the diagnosis. Purpose was the answer. Now, 9 years later, Keesha La Luz Carter shares her story of facing stage 3 cervical cancer with a unique twist. Feel the H. E. A. T. today when you read her new book, Love After Cancer: A Journey through Hope, Empowerment, Affirmation, and Transformation, an interactive journal that helps you tell your story.

    The thing that has broken you-the thing that has consumed you-the thing that has torn you down, flipped you around and shook your world until it crumbled into millions and billions of pieces-yes, that thing-it may be the thing that has made you stronger. Life experiences have created you to be the awesome person you have become. Embrace the brokenness. The moments you have grown to hate-learn to love them. It is what makes you fierce and unstoppable.

    Look at it from a different perspective and life as you know it will be transformed. You have made it before, and you surely can, and will, do it again. Once you absorb this to be true, you will enjoy and love life in a way that will blow your mind. People will look at you in amazement when they hear your story. After knowing what you have been through, they won't be able to fathom how you made it. They will wonder how you kept going. 

    It is your purpose birthed from your pain that keeps you moving. It's your destiny that is discovered through your dirt-your divine destiny. So, as a child of the Most High, put on your crown, Diva and walk into your divine destiny.

    Keesha "La Luz" Carter
    Works with women who are fighters and survivors on their cancer journey. As the founder of Serenity, Courage & Wisdom, Inc. (SCAWINC), she has helped dozens of women to use the Creative Arts as an outlet on their cancer journey. SCAWINC also helps survivors with obtaining resources for their basic needs while in treatment.


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